Giving Tuesday 2020 and Beyond!

Giving Tuesday may be over, but your support doesn't have to be.

In that spirit, The Christian Chain invites you to participate in #AlwaysSupporting by donating to our cause: connecting Christians around the world to fulfill Jesus' prayer for a united Church.

The Christian Chain is a Phoenix, Arizona non-profit working to fulfill God's plan for the Church to be unified as one. As a Public Charity (45-5320220) donations are considered tax-deductible under IRS code 501(c)(3).

So, what is our focus you may ask us. Through ministry partnerships, online forums, and actionable programs, we strive to live out Jesus' prayer for the Church in John 17:20-23, and Paul's exhortation for the church in Ephesians 4:1-6.

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John 17:20–23

“...that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us ..."

English Standard Version Bible Logo, tan background white text
Ephesians 4:1-6

"...eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit... one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all..."

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Prayer Nook

Our Prayer Nook app lets you journal, request prayers, pray with your friends, and strengthen your prayer life – all in one easy to use app. Pray for those in your feed, share personal prayers within your inner circle, and journal prayers in your own private notebook. By connecting with others through prayer, churches, organizations, and small groups can show unity by praying for and with each other.

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Samaritan Bags

Samaritan Bags is a public service project aimed at packing bags of essential items to meet the immediate, continual and eternal needs of the homeless population. These bags can be handed out at homeless shelters or churches, or be kept in your car so that you have something to hand out to someone on the side of the road who is in need. And the great thing about these bags is that they aren't just limited to the homeless – teachers, hospital workers, first responders, and essential personnel all benefit from Samaritan Bags. By coming together to provide for those in our communities, we unite to become Jesus' hands and feet, sharing the gospel with a hurting word.

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Partners in Unity

Partners in Unity leverages a scriptural approach to assist Phoenix, AZ area church leaders in identifying biblical areas of unity within their congregations that need improvement. Via surveys, focus groups, and data-driven assessments, TCC shows unity by partnering with Church leadership. Using scriptural support and gospel-based resources, Partners in Unity helps churches actively live out unity within the Body of Christ.

Through God's provision this year via a one-time grant, The Christian Chain has been able to grow our staff to a team of ten. With that grant money coming to an end, we can look back over this past year and see how much we have grown and that we have achieved so much in such a short amount of time – and yet there's plenty more to do! But, we can't do it without your generosity.

As you enter this season of giving, please consider The Christian Chain in your giving plans.

We do not seek to diminish or promote one denomination over another – rather, to set aside differences and work together across denominations to be Jesus' hands and feet, to bring the gospel of life-changing grace to a hurting world.

We invite you to review our website to learn more about our organization and why we strive toward seeing God's Church United and Unleashed.